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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Current Program Schedule

Program Schedule REVISED 1/11/2025

National News at the Top and Bottom of most hours, with bulletins at once!


2-5am - This Morning—America’s First News with Gordon Deal

5-5:35 - Agriculture Today

5:35am - Rosary
6-7am -  Agriculture Today

7am - CBS World News Roundup

7:10am - Todd Starnes Commentary/Nevada News/Judge Jeanine/Larry Kudlow/Edwards Notebook

 7:30am -  Bill O'Reilly Morning Edition/News/Commentary

7:35am - For the youngsters, Fire Fighters!

8-8:45am - Your Morning with Wyatt Cox

8:45am - Bill O'Reilly Update

9am-Noon - Todd Starnes

Noon-3pm - The Rob Carson Show

3-6pm -  The Joe Pags Show

6-9pm -  The Ramsey Show

9-10pm-No Spin News with Bill O'Reilly

10pm-2am-The Other Side of Midnight with Frank Morano

Friday, January 3, 2025

Turn to us

 With all the talk on Shadowbanning, Censoring, and Fracturing with social media, where do you turn to get the truth about what's going on?

Yeah, that's us. 

With Six hours every weekday morning of news and information, and open lines and commentary all day long, turn to us for Reasonable Views and Accurate News*.  With CBS Radio News at the top of every hour and  the bottom of most hours, you have the latest in world and national news, plus Wyatt Cox with 50 years of broadcast experience in bringing you news of the state and local scene with the commitment of bringing you BULLETINS AT ONCE.  

To find out what's going on in the world, don't turn to the maelstrom that is social media.  Don't turn to the gossip mongers that spread the latest rumor (You remember, telephone, telegraph, tell a gossip) that may or may not be right.  

Turn to us.  We'll tell you the truth, around the clock. On the air and online. And it's free.  No data required. 

And support us - no obligation - by clicking this link!

*(tm KXEL Radio's Jeff Stein) 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Thursday, November 14, 2024

County Commission Objects to Pumped Storage Project

 In a strongly worded letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the White Pine County Commission pushed back on Wednesday against the White Pine Pumped Storage Project with a multitude of objections.  The project, a pet project of former commissioner Richard Howe, has met with massive public opposition.   Concerns with the scoping and the manner of the meetings and conflicts with private landowners were laid out in the ten-page letter.  

Here is a link to the letter. 

If you would like to write a letter of opposition as well, here's the address:

Kimberly D. Rose, Secretary 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 
888 First Street NE., Room 1A 
Washington, DC 20426

We encourage you to write and oppose this boondoggle.  

Monday, October 7, 2024

If it hit the fan like it did in Western North Carolina, would you be prepared?

 After a week, people in Western North Carolina have no power, internet, or reliable cell service.  What's keep them informed?  Radio.

Radio is a lifeline, but how can you be connected to the lifeline if you don't HAVE a radio.  Sadly, people think of radio as an antiquity, a relic of the past.  But when push comes to shove, radio will be here long after the other devices have failed.  

But how do you get a radio?  What little retail business we have in White Pine County doesn't even sell them.  Well, The Greek might, but the others?  Nope. 

Try this inexpensive radio.  Under $10, uses 2 AA batteries.   Add this to your next Amazon order. (I know you're shopping Amazon and not local.  It's no secret.)

If nothing else, you might learn some truths that Facebook and TikTok won't tell you.  Because they don't give a damn about you.  You know that. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Unequal treatment for all?

 Why are we treated differently than newspapers and social media?


Do you know that candidates for Federal office - President, Senate, and House - get the best advertising rate on radio and television stations that we give anyone? No newspaper or social media platform has their advertising rates dictated by federal law.

 Did you know that as a broadcast station licensed by the Federal Government, we cannot refuse to accept advertising for ANY candidate for Federal office? No newspaper or social media platform is required to accept advertising from anyone!

 Did you know that if a candidate for state or local office purchases advertising on a broadcast station, another candidate for the state office has to be granted equivalent time at the exact same rate. Again, No newspaper or social media platform is required to accept advertising from anyone nor have their rate dictated.

Did you know that broadcasters are required to identify who purchases advertising? No newspaper or social media platform is required to identify who bought advertising!

When you buy advertising on Social Media, the money goes out of your community and into a billionaire's pocket.

When you purchase advertising on KELY or KDSS, that money goes to keep these local resources on the air.  We aren't millionaires.  We're your neighbors. 


Think about it!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

School Shooting could have been prevented

 Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Winder Georgia following Wednesday’s shooting at Apalachee High School there.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation reports a suspect has been taken into custody. Governor Brian Kemp promises a full investigation surrounding the circumstances. The calls are coming out now for gun control and gun restrictions against law abiding Americans. Ironically, the answer to incidents like this is more guns, not fewer. What stops bad guys with guns? Good guys with guns. Until we treat our schools and our children like we treat our financial institutions and safeguard them with as much force and resources, including weaponization of our teachers if necessary, there will be more violent instances just like this.