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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

How important is Agriculture to White Pine County? A lot, it turns out

So, why have we added significant Agriculture programming to KELY? There are a lot of reasons.  26 million reasons in fact.    

Agriculture contributes to the local economy, community livelihoods, and land use.  The Nevada Department of Agriculture tells us White Pine County's food & agriculture sector accounts for 269 jobs. White Pine County's food & agriculture sector total exports were $26 million in 2015. White Pine County is home to 160 farms & ranches, 41 percent of which are 49 acres or smaller and 26 percent of which are 500 or more acres.

That's why KELY has partnered with the All Ag Network and the Western Ag Network to bring not only frequent Agriculture market updates but morning farm programming from 5am to 7am each weekday.

Here are some key points illustrating Agriculture's significance to White Pine County:

  1. Economic Contribution: Agriculture in White Pine County is a critical part of the local economy. Farming and ranching provide employment opportunities and support local businesses, including feed stores, equipment suppliers, and processing facilities.

  2. Land Use: A significant portion of White Pine County's land is used for agricultural purposes. This includes both crop production and livestock grazing. The rural nature of the county means that large tracts of land are available for these activities.

  3. Livestock Production: The county is known for its livestock production, particularly cattle and sheep ranching. This form of agriculture is well-suited to the arid climate and the vast rangelands of the region.  Just to our north, Elko County, was named by Drovers magazine as the fourth in their listing of the top 34 beef cow counties in America.

  4. Crop Production: Although limited by the arid environment, crop production still plays a role. Irrigated farming allows for the cultivation of crops such as alfalfa, which is essential for feeding livestock.

  5. Cultural Heritage: Agriculture is part of the cultural and historical fabric of White Pine County. Many families have been involved in farming and ranching for generations, maintaining traditions and contributing to the community's identity.

  6. Environmental Stewardship: Farmers and ranchers in White Pine County often engage in practices that promote environmental sustainability. This includes managing land and water resources carefully to ensure long-term productivity and ecological health.

  7. Local Food Supply: Agricultural activities support local food supply chains, providing fresh produce and meat to residents. This is particularly important in rural areas where access to a variety of foods can be more limited.

In summary, agriculture in White Pine County is vital not only for its economic impact but also for maintaining the rural character, supporting local communities, and preserving environmental resources.  And this is why KELY devotes significant portions of our broadcast day to programming about our food supply.  

After all, if you eat, you're involved in Agriculture!